# tyler robertson's pleasing pattern generator outputs an svg image for use in placeholder images, backgrounds, or wherever else they might be useful. to use, drop this url into anywhere that accepts an svg image: `https://pleasing-pattern-generator.glitch.me` accepted params: - **colors** sets the possible colors for the shapes. accepts a comma-separated list of hexadecimal colors. eg. `?colors=ffffff,000000` - **background** sets the color of the background. accepts either hexadecimal color or "transparent". eg. `?background=ffffff` or `?background=transparent` - **shapes** sets all objects to the same shape. currently accepts "circles", "squares", or "exes". eg. `?shapes=circles` - **style** sets a single draw style for all shapes. currently accepts either "fill" or "stroke". Default has a blend of both. eg. `?style=fill` - **angle** sets the rotation of all items to the same angle in degress. defaults to random float between 0 and 360. eg. `?angle=45` - **count** sets the number of shapes to draw (roughly). default is 120. eg. `?count=200` - **buffer** adjust the amount of space between spaces. default is 5. eg. `?buffer=10` - **width** the width of the canvas in pixels. default is 1200. eg. `?width=800` - **height** the height of the canvas in pixels. default is 800. eg. `?height=600` because we're using voronoi patterns to determine where shapes should go, lower counts or larger width/height values will cause the shapes to be bigger, and if we give spaces less room they'll become smaller to fit. examples: - [interstellar](https://pleasing-pattern-generator.glitch.me?width=2000&height=1000&background=000000&style=fill&colors=ffffff,ffffff,ebdadd,f0f0e6,e8fbfc&shapes=circles&count=4200) - [interstellar inverse](https://pleasing-pattern-generator.glitch.me?width=2000&height=1000&background=ffffff&style=fill&colors=000000,000000,134122,0a0a32&shapes=circles&count=4200) - [the matrix](https://pleasing-pattern-generator.glitch.me/?angle=45&background=001100&colors=ffffff,ffffff,bbffbb,00ff00,bbbbbb,888888,004400&count=500) - [xXx](https://pleasing-pattern-generator.glitch.me/?angle=45&shapes=exes&count=3&buffer=-50&style=fill&colors=880000&background=transparent)